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Instant answers to 1,000+ HR and health & safety questions
Don’t waste time on uncertainty, Bright Brainbox gives you 24/7 answers in a flash
- Get insights from a team of advisers with years of experience
- Access answers written by experts and backed by A.I.
- Ask as many questions as you like
- Get employment relations support without hefty legal fees

Join 100,000+ global businesses that trust BrightHR
Join 100,000+ global businesses that trust BrightHR

Instant HR and health & safety advice free with your HR software
When you need an immediate answer, Bright Brainbox is there. How it works:
- You are given Bright Brainbox for FREE within your HR Software
- Access it through your desktop or mobile app
- Type in a question and you’ll be given the most relevant answer PLUS other relevant questions and answers

1000s of answers to the most pressing HR and health & safety questions
Issues arise all the time! Legislation changes even more! And sometimes you need immediate answers to all sorts of topics such as:
- How long can I suspend someone when carrying out a disciplinary investigation?
- How does annual leave accrue?
- Can I fire an employee for being on long-term sick leave?
As employers, you can’t be expected to have all the answers all the time, but legally you have an obligation to give the right answers no matter what.

See what else BrightHR has to offer
Upskill your employees with a range of courses. Complimentary BrightLearn features interactive learning and a learning management system.
Cut your advertising costs and reach 100,000+ businesses globally—and even more potential customers—on our free marketplace.
Create, assign, and edit shifts and rosters with ease across ANY working pattern. Plus bring flexibility with our new open shifts feature.
Centralise your processes and cut your HR admin hours in half with software tools and services built to transform your people management.
Protect your business from over 600 health & safety risks with our suite of health & safety software and compliance support services.
Carry your electronic filing system in your pocket with unlimited document storage space. Upload, store, and view documents in seconds.
Interested in BrightHR? See it in action
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At BrightHR, we think you deserve quick answers to those pressing HR and health & safety questions that keep you up at night.
That’s why we’ve collected over 1,000 of your burning questions that BrightHR users can access right here on BrightBrAInbox (brighthr.com). It really is that easy!
Ready to get started?
Get in touch and discover how BrightHR can revolutionise your people management today